Author – joyeglenn

Rediscovering the True Meaning of Christmas: Celebrating Christ Jesus

The holiday season is upon us, and for many, it’s a time filled with family gatherings, festive decorations, and gift exchanges. Yet, in the midst of the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget the profound reason behind the celebration: the birth of Jesus Christ. As a devout Christian, I am compelled and honored to keep my focus on Him, even as society shifts its attention to other aspects of the season.

Christmas, derived from “Christ’s Mass,” bears His name in its very essence. But today, the emphasis often lies elsewhere—on Santa Claus, family traditions, or the perfect holiday meal. While these elements can add joy to the season, they can also overshadow the deeper spiritual significance of Christmas.

Some scholars argue that Jesus wasn’t born in December, citing historical and cultural evidence. They point out that early Christians adapted a pagan festival to celebrate His birth, aligning it with the winter solstice. To me, these debates do not diminish the importance of honoring Jesus during this time. Whether He was born in December, the spring, or any other season, the key is to recognize His impact on humanity and His role as our Savior.

In my family, we choose to celebrate Jesus Christ with intentionality. We reflect on His teachings, express gratitude for His sacrifices, and share His love with others. This approach doesn’t mean we neglect family traditions or ignore the festive spirit—it means we infuse these activities with purpose, centering them around His presence.

This Christmas, I encourage you to take a moment amidst the holiday rush to remember why we celebrate. It’s not about the gifts under the tree, but the gift of salvation that was born in a manger over 2,000 years ago. Let this season be a time to reconnect with your faith, embrace the message of hope and love, and share the true reason for the season: Jesus Christ.

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