November: What is “Thanksgiving” in the United States of America?
As a Black American with Native American ancestry, I have learned how true history can be altered or omitted.
As a Black American with Native American ancestry, I have learned how true history can be altered or omitted.
Each year in October, the city of Seville hosts the “cultures of Nations festival”. During this event; over 20 different cultures showcase their country’s gastronomic skills of excellence. They are all mostly different restaurants throughout the province of Sevilla. It only cost 2 euros to enter. In the front of the festival there is a …
My family and I are not the same people from 5 years ago. We have each encountered great changes individually, as well as overcame many obstacles.
We were in awe by the beauty and greenery that covered these lands.
The 19th of June for black Americans represents the official date that slavery was abolished.
Black people don’t get therapy for facing racism. There is no instructional handbook or medical care for the effects of racism.
The month of May is quite special to my husband and I as we celebrate our 16 year anniversary! In 2006, we were We were both new members of the United States, Air Force and both stationed at our first duty station in Florida. I remember gazing upon my now husband and thinking in my …
Experiencing the three kings parade in Spain as a Black American family.
My family and I recently spent our July in the United States of America. This trip was especially important to our entire family because it had been 4 years since we’ve been back! Our main goal was to reconnect with our family and I’m so glad we accomplished that. But in addition to us reconnecting …
Going back to the USA after 4 years: Reverse culture shocks Read More »
What does Juneteenth mean to me? That Black slaves in America were finally set free. Abe Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1864. But they kept us in bondage one year more. 1865 was the civil war. The south won the battle and freedom we bore. But this small victory was only the beginning. Black …